Bitmark Exchange is owned by public company
Being public means our financials and books are more transparent, giving users more insight and visibility into our operations.
This provides the Canadian market an unique opportunity to not only invest with Bitmark Exchange by buying and sell crypto, but to also invest in Bitmark Exchange through buying the stock.
Bitmark Exchange is growing exponentially
View the full press release here .
Increase in Revenue
Jan 2021 vs Jan 2020
Growth MoM in Monthly Revenues (Jan 2021)
Growth MoM in Assets Under Custody (Jan 2021)
We are thrilled with the exponential growth we have accomplished over the last year, with revenues increasing over 1900% this month vs January 2020. We already have the infrastructure in place to support another year of significant growth. We also have a number of new products, features, and initiatives on the roadmap to maintain our current trajectory and deliver another exceptional year.
We are well positioned to continue capitalizing on the increased demand for our services as we see more monthly active users and higher trading volumes per customer. Bitmark Exchange continues to excel as Canada's easiest, most trusted way to buy and sell crypto.
Invest with Bitmark Exchange. Invest in Bitmark Exchange.
Buying &Sell Crypto Made Easy
Our user friendly platform allows users to make trades 24/7 online and leverage features like limit orders and price alerts.
Crypto Adoption is Growing
Both retail and institutional investors have flocked to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation.